As I sit at home, surrounded by the chaos of the world, I find solace in playing the piano. The beautiful melodies and harmonies bring a sense of peace to my mind and heart. However, it’s not just the music that provides comfort, but the focus it allows me to place on what really matters.

Jesus once said, “Love your neighbor as yourself” and “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength.” These words have always resonated with me, and playing the piano has helped me to put them into practice. In order to love others, we must first learn to love ourselves. When we take the time to nurture our own spirit and soul, it becomes easier to extend that love to others.

Playing the piano has become my own personal form of self-care. It allows me to disconnect from the distractions of the world and focus on what is truly important. It’s a reminder that, despite the chaos and uncertainty, there is still beauty and love in this world. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this with others, and hope that it may bring comfort and peace to those who need it most.